
Electronic Resource Management

Electronic Resource Management (ERM) has been specifically designed to empower knowledge managers to effectively manage all electronic resources and Web Subscriptions.

Electronic Resource Management (ERM) has been specifically designed to empower knowledge managers to effectively manage all electronic resources and Web Subscriptions, such as: electronic journals, databases, and electronic books. ERM makes it possible to completely streamline the entire electronic resource management process, from a review cycle for the resource record, to purchasing, publishing, and renewing a resource—all with one easy-to-use solution.

Take Control with EOS.Web ERM:

  • Filtered list control so library staff can easily manage resources
  • View all ERM records or display records according to status: pending, reviewed, purchased, published, renewed, or upcoming renewal
  • Force or passively allow the display of license agreements as patrons use a resource
  • Retrieve records by name, title, statement, or vendor
  • Edit, delete, or view the bibliographic record from the List Screen
  • Edit the Web Subscription, edit the order, report problems with a subscription, email stakeholders, or renew a resource
  • Enable or disable authorization to add, delete, and edit ERM records on a by-user basis

Refined Solution to Meet Your Needs:


EOS.Web ERM is so efficient that the electronic resource can be linked to the bibliographic record and Web Subscription, making it even easier for patrons to find the information they are looking for in your online catalog. To further increase an electronic resource’s accessibility, you can also define a classification scheme for the bibliographic record. ERM is tightly integrated with EOS.Web Classification Management, which allows you to determine which electronic resources display in search results and what items a patron can view or check-out from the collection. You control how your electronic resources are found by your patrons and how the information is presented through your Web OPAC. ERM simplifies the way your patrons gather electronic resources and perfects the way you manage your digital collections.


In addition to the increased searchability and usability of your electronic resources, ERM stores all record-specific information for a resource. Stored within the ERM record itself are all of the basic subscription information for the electronic resource, including: the license agreement, terms of use, and security concerns associated with the resource—so you don’t have to manage this information separately. ERM intelligently organizes your digital library, and makes it easy to track and refine your e-resources.


EOS.Web ERM enables professional collaboration between you and your stakeholders. With ERM, managing the approval phase of e-resources is streamlined so you can be as efficient as possible. You determine the approval process, and ERM complies by allowing specific phases to be completed before a new phase can begin. ERM also enables library staff to solicit responses directly from other stakeholder groups. Stakeholders can manage and submit responses through the EOS.Web OPAC, and regardless if they approve, reject, or request more information, the library staff receives stakeholder responses by email, ensuring a quicker response-rate and shortened decision-making cycle.
EOS.Web ERM is a world-class, flexible, and continuously enhanced solution that is certain to help you effectively manage your digital collections.